New and Exciting Changes!

This summer, our Chi Alpha leaders and students have been working very hard on a new project to begin renovations in The Rafters! Our projects have varied from painting rooms and hallways, building a new stage, getting rid of unused closets, putting in new floors, and finding new and exciting ways that we can utilize our space on the third floor. I want to specifically thank Mike Bayles, Vance Stewart, our intern Sarah Baker, along with all our adult and student volunteers who have gone on this crazy journey with me this summer. We still have quite a way to go to finish up, but we are already seeing some exciting progress. I am so excited to see what God will do with this ministry in this new and revitalized space. Please pray with me this summer as we continue to work, but pray that our student ministry will continue to grow and students’ lives will be changed because of these face lifts we are doing.

Chi Alpha Summers

We are currently meeting at Vago Park on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 p.m. for Chi Alpha Summers! Come join us for a night of fun and fellowship! We look forward to seeing you all soon!