What’s Going On?

Hey Chi Alpha! Happy Summer! I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. Just a reminder, we are still posting lessons for you to stay up to date on things here at church on our Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube pages. Make sure you are staying up-to-date on those! On Sundays we are looking through the Book of Ephesians with J.D. Greear, and on Wednesdays our series is called “Awaken” with D.A. Horton. Both series can also be found on RightNow Media so you can follow along. I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Mission Mondays

Last Monday, June 8, we tried out a new mission initiative called Mission Mondays with our Youth Council students, and I am excited to announce that we will be starting this new mission event this summer! Since we cannot go on our World Changers mission trip this summer, it is important for our students to still go out and serve…and be a World Changer. The only difference is, we are going to be doing that in our own community and church! Every other Monday, (opposite of the weeks we host the Mobile Food Market at the church), our students will be going out in the community to serve those in need. Whether it’s yard work, moving furniture, minor painting, or any other odd jobs, our students are willing to serve our community! Additionally, we are starting a remodel project on the third floor of the church with our youth department. If time allows, students might be able to help with that project and have the opportunity to serve the church! Check out our social media platforms in the next week for more details!