Reflections on Reopening

We had a great reopening on June 7 and 14th! It was so good to worship together in person. There were a few brave ones that came out and it was wonderful to have kids in worship again! It is okay too if you stayed at home to worship! We look forward to seeing you again in the near future as you feel comfortable getting out.

We have the gym open for overflow and for families with children to gather around tables. I will provide a one-time use Praise Pack with a few activities for children that goes along with the worship service. I would like to see the children engaged rather than just “busy.” Of course, you are welcome to bring your own activities for your children also.

Virtual KidsZone

Just a reminder, there are weekly Bible plans on our church website that you can use at home as well as some downloadable activities. The KidsZone lessons follow the sermon series, “I AM,” the statements of Jesus in the book of John. You can find these on our website on the KidsZone page.

We are making tentative late summer and fall plans, so look for more information coming in July. We will keep you updated as plans progress and when we can move to Phase 2 of our regathering plan.

Hurry Up and Wait

I sent off my second son to USMC recruit training last week. For the Marines (and probably for other arms of the military),the message is “hurry up and wait,” A LOT!  I was reminded how I need to be ready to answer God’s call to obey. God asks us to hurry up, (and be prepared), and wait for His direction. Know Him, be prepared, so that when it’s time to share about Him, you are ready! “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go,” Joshua 1:7.

I miss you all immensely! I pray for you often that the Father will give you all the patience and love you need to carry on leading your children to know Christ better. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you lead your families.