
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you find what you are looking for here at Fee Fee. Above all we exists to make disciples who build their lives on Jesus and pursue the good of our community for the glory of God.
What is the Schedule?

We have ministries for all ages and stages of life. Here you find our Sunday and Wednesday schedule of our ministries. For more information about these ministries please follow the link to the ministry pages.


Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 am
Preschool Bible Study: 9:15 am &  Worship Care: 10:30 am
Children’s Bible Study: 9:15 am & Kids Zone Worship 10:30 am (On 4th Sunday Parents take the kids to Worship service)
Bible Study (All Ages): 9:15 am

Wednesday Nights:

Awana (3 yr old thru 3rd grade): 6:00 pm
Livewire (4th – 5th grade): 6:00 pm
Chi Alpha – Youth Small Groups: 6:00 pm
WOW – Women’s Bible Study: 6:00 pm
Prayer and Bible Study with the Pastor: 6:00 pm


Where can I find help?

If you have any questions while on campus we have a Welcome Center staffed with knowledgeable, helpful people that would be glad to give you answers.  Our greeters wear lanyards that identify them so you know who to ask.

What should I wear?

At Fee Fee you are welcome to wear what you are comfortable in.  On any Sunday you will see people in suits and dresses as well as in t-shirts and jeans.

What are opportunities for my children?

You are welcome to keep your children with you in worship if you like.  We also have excellent volunteers that would be happy to help your children from birth through 5th grade have a great experience in our kids area while you are worshiping.  At 9:15 am we have different Bible Study groups for you and your children.  On the 4th Sunday of every month the children worship with their parents in service.  If you have questions about our children’s activities you can contact our Director of Family Ministries, Kathy Scott (Kathy@feefeebc.org).

Where should I park?

You are welcome to park wherever you’d like but we have visitor parking in some of the spots closest to the building.  We also have handicapped parking in the front of the building as well as on the east side of the building where there is a handicapped accessible door.

Where can I find Fee Fee?

We are located at the corner of St. Charles Rock Road and Fee Fee Roads.  We are across from Schnucks and next to Walgreens.  Our address is 11330 St Charles Rock Rd, Bridgeton, MO 6304411330 St. Charles Rock Rd.

Fee Fee Visit Form

Are you planning a visit to Fee Fee, let us help you out!