Don’t forget to sign up for our tour of Campbell House on Thursday, March 13. We will get a fascinating look inside the lives of a 19th century American family and their historic St. Louis home. Built in 1851, this was the home of fur trader and entrepreneur Robert Campbell from 1854 to 1938. The cost of the tour is $10. We will have lunch after at Crown Candy. Dress to stand outside to get in to the restaurant. They seat in groups of 4!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, 4/2 at 11:30 am. Bingo and Lunch for prizes from your home like puzzles, books, baked goods. Come walk on the wild side!
Thursday, 4/24. Science Center Omnimax and Zia’s
Thursday, 5/8 Transportation Museum and a ride on the Chicago CTA trolley!
Wednesday/Thursday, 5/21-22 Overnight trip to Nauvoo, IL
Wednesday, 6/4. Grants Farm with lunch at 3 Kings
Monday, 6/23 Cathedral Basilica and lunch at Blueberry Hill