What a difference a week can make in St. Louis weather! Today is a beautiful 72 degrees, and last week we were awaiting freezing rain, sleet, and snow. While we can’t count on the weather, we can count on our faithful God. While our world seems out of control, God is sovereign and in control. Thank Him for your blessings today and trust Him completely in the days to come.  He is loving and kind and good!

Our next trip is to the St. Louis Science Center to the OmniMax to see Wings over Water on Friday, March 11. Tickets are $11, but we will probably get a group discount or senior discount. We will leave church at 10:00 a.m. and go to the 11:00 a.m. movie. Afterwards we will go to the Fountain on Locust. Make sure to save room for ice cream!

The Scott Joplin House tour will be on Monday, March 28, leaving the church at 10:00 a.m. This is a state historic site which features a player piano in the modest flat rented by the king of ragtime and a museum about Scott Joplin’s life. Cost of the tour and museum is $6. Lunch will be at Crown Candy. I challenge you to a BLT!

Also mark your calendars for Saturday night, May 14 for our Annual Legacy Banquet. We will have great food, great fellowship, and great music!