Christmas can be super stressful and busy. Here are 10 ways to focus on Jesus this Christmas:

  1. Seek out quiet moments for yourself. Take 5 minutes to focus your mind and heart on Jesus.
  2. Make time for your Bible. Read Luke 2:1-20 or do some research on passages in the Old Testament that point to Jesus.
  3. Ask for Jesus’ advice. Make your day a constant conversation with Him.
  4. Volunteer. Serve others in your community.
  5. Pray. Write down everything that is stressing you out and tell Jesus. Then ask Jesus to help you keep your focus on Him the rest of the day.
  6. Spend time with your loved ones and be a Mary not a Martha.
  7. Celebrate Advent. Don’t search the Bible for how to do it. It’s not even in the Bible. Find your own way.
  8. Give gifts with a purpose, like a new Bible, a journal, or a devotional book.
  9. Say no.
  10. Embrace imperfection. No family is perfect. Let Jesus make up the difference.

Make sure you remember Jesus is why we celebrate Christmas.