By the time you read this, you will have already celebrated Labor Day with picnics, swim parties, and BBQ. While I am looking forward to a day off and celebrating with my friends, I realized I had no idea why and what I was celebrating so I googled it!

I found out that it was an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of the American workers.  The holiday began in the late 1800s when labor activists pushed for a holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

So let me just take a minute to thank all of you for your contributions whether it be inside the home or outside in the many occupations represented by this body of believers. Thanks for all you have done to make this country a land of opportunity.

Speaking of opportunities, (nice segue right?), don’t forget our trip to tour Holy Family Catholic Church on September 12, and our movie day here on September 28. The sign-up sheets are in the Connection Center.

Hope you had a great 3-day weekend with lots of rest and relaxation so we can serve our community during Impact Week September 11-18.