I am so enjoying the spring weather and the sunshine! It’s nice to sit outside and absorb that heavenly sunlight. It’s also nice to be able to be active again. Our next activity is a trip to the Science Center to view the mummy exhibit. Alternatively, you can visit the OmniMax theater to watch Back From The Brink about animals species saved from extinction. The Mummies of the World exhibit is the largest collection of real mummies and related artifacts. It is senior day, but prices are not currently listed on the website. Lunch will be at Zia’s! As always, the bus will leave at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.

I know many of you have been following along in the Grounded reading plan, which we will complete on May 7. Several of you have even participated in Marco Polo groups. Congrats to all who have accepted and met this challenge. Several of you have expressed the desire to continue, and while our plans are not quite finalized, I can share basic info with you. After our completion of the New Testament, for two weeks we will go back and revisit ten significant scriptures that we would like to spend a little more time studying. Next, Pastor Zach will be preaching from the book of Isaiah during the summer, so we will read the book of Isaiah, one chapter a day, starting May 24. In September, we will begin the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, which we will complete by reading two chapters a day Monday-Friday until the end of the year. There will not be a formal sign-up, but I am hoping that many of you will continue the habit of reading scripture daily. Getting the Word into us is exactly what God commands us to do to equip us to face the world with love each day.

Finally, mark your calendars for Saturday, May 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. We are going to kick off Legacy Weekend with a party! We will eat a yummy catered dinner, hear a short devotional from Dr. Ross, and be entertained by a group performing music from the 40s, 50s and 60s. Don’t miss out on the fun!