I am writing this Forerunner article to you before Thanksgiving, but you will not be reading it until after. Even so, I am going to go ahead and tell you what I am thankful for anyway.

Today I am very sad. I lost a good friend to COVID a few hours ago and a friend lost her mother today. If I were not a Christian, this would be an overwhelming day of loss. It is always sad for those of us when we lose a loved one, but I am thankful for the assurance I have that both are home safely with Jesus.

I am also thankful for each of you who are proud to call yourself senior adults. God has brought us a long way and given us a lot of wisdom along the way. I hope that you are pouring your life into some younger person to encourage them and help them to grow spiritually.

Finally, I am thankful that our paths have crossed, and I get to serve you and serve alongside of you. I hope you were in the recent testimony service and got to hear Samson’s testimony about serving in your local church. I have read the Bible from cover to cover many times and, no matter what the translation, I have not run into the word retirement. We may not be able to go out and build houses or load sandbags but we all can serve in some way. Find a way to serve others in the church and in the community.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and shared with your family what you were thankful for this year. While Thanksgiving is a wonderful reminder to be thankful, we have things to be thankful for each and every day. Tell the LORD each day how thankful you are for His goodness to you.

“I will thank the LORD with all my heart,

I will declare all your wondrous works,

I will rejoice and boast about you;

I will sing about your name Most High,”

(Psalm 9:1-2 CSB).