I don’t know about you, but I am really enjoying reading through the New Testament with the church. Sometimes I need the time to catch up on the weekend, and I am glad that time is built into our schedule for that. I also love that the Bible App, You Version, will read it aloud to me when I’m on the go. I can listen to it in my car, or when I wake up in the morning or before I go to sleep at night. No excuses, right?

Today is Tuesday, January 19, and our reading was out of Mark 7-9.  In chapter 6, Jesus fed 5,000 men. In chapter 8, he fed 4,000. In that very same chapter, the disciples were concerned because they had only brought one loaf of bread. Really?

It’s easy to be hard on the disciples but I see too much of myself in these guys. I’m not really sure how many times I read these accounts before I figured out that Jesus fed a whole bunch of people two times instead of just once. The 5,000 were Jews and the 4,000 were Gentiles. I just blended the accounts together and failed to see the fact that Jesus came for all people, that the 12 baskets of leftovers symbolized the 12 tribes of Israel and the 7 baskets represented the complete number of all nations.

Scripture is amazing and God will show us something new every time we look at it if we ask Him. I hope you are sharing with your family what God is showing you each day. If you would like to talk with others about it, you can still join a virtual transformation group by contacting me or Pastor Zach.

I am so ready for us to be able to get together and have some fun again. I am excited about the start of vaccinations and look forward to the day in the near future when we can start enjoying activities and trips. Hope to see you soon!