I’m looking forward to eating fried chicken with you at Pere Marquette on Thursday, September 30! The bus will leave church at 10:00 a.m. We will eat our lunch and then go outside and sit on their patio and play games. Please bring a card game, dominoes, or anything else you would like to play. I’m sure it will be a beautiful fall day! And invite a friend to come with us!

A deposit of $100 is due on Friday, October 1, for our trip to the Amana Colonies. Please email me at gloria@feefeebc.org to let me know if you will have a roommate, or if you want to have a ticket for the play at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday night. The cost for the play is $32. When I have this information, I will be able to tell you your total cost. If you plan on having a roommate, your cost before food is approximately $150.

I also want to thank each one of you for your faithful contributions to our backpack ministry and to our dinners at Loaves and Fishes. These ministries are not only help people, but they show the love of Jesus to our community.