Summer is speeding by. Soon our days will be filled with school schedules, football, and the Cardinals in the World Series. Hope you have enjoyed summer as much as I have!

In the meantime, I’ve been working on our fall activities. We have had to change our date for the Amana Colonies because of a date conflict for our bus driver/guide. The dates are now a Thursday and Friday, October 21-22. While there we will attend a play, Ole and Lena at Cafe Chaos, a musical comedy. We will also visit antique shops, restaurants, and museums that will be within walking distance of our hotel. It looks like show tickets are $32.50, transportation will be $40 and your hotel room with be $50-$60 based on double occupancy. In other words, the trip will cost you less than $150 if you have a roommate, plus whatever you purchase and eat. The hotel I’m looking at does have a fridge in each room for snacks and drinks. There will be a sign-up sheet so I can purchase show tickets and reserve rooms. Please indicate if you want your own room or if you will have a roommate.

Cancelling our original date gives us an open date at the end of September for another event, so I’m looking at Aires and Pere Marquette as possibilities. More of that in the next Forerunner.