Summer is quickly passing us by. I’m so thankful for the cooler weather this week and I’m sure you are too. Our summer schedule of activities is winding down, so if you have suggestions for what to do this fall, please let me know.

Our next activity is Adult VBS and I am leaning toward a study of Elijah, because Elijah’s dependence upon God seems very relevant for today. But you will have to come to find out! Join us August 23-26, (Monday-Thursday) from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will have snacks, and hopefully some music, and a great time of fellowship and Bible Study.  We will go out to lunch together on the last day after our study. Hope you can attend and bring some friends.

In September, we will do a day trip to Casey, Illinois to see all the BIG things. Check out their website,, if you are wondering what this is. As usual, you will need to sign up. We also have the trip to the Amana Colonies, which is an overnight trip from September 30 through October 1. Our bus driver and guide for the trip might have a conflict on those dates so we might need to change the dates. I will have definite info and pricing in the next Forerunner. Thanks in advance for your patience as details are being worked out.

Have you started reading through the Pentateuch with us? By the end of next year, we should have read through the ENTIRE Bible together! We would love for you to join a T-group or the Grounded Bible Study group on Sunday morning if you would like to talk about what you are reading! Pick up your reading plan in the Welcome Center or download from our website.