I hope you will join us on Friday, June 11 for our trip to the Missouri National Veterans Museum and Memorial. The bus will leave at 10:00 a.m. First, we will eat at Stonie’s Sausage Shop and then head over to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the museum. We should be back at church about 4:30 or 5:00 p.m.

The next event in June is lunch and the movie, Ruby Bridges. This is the story of one family’s bravery in the face of desegregation in the south in 1960. Ruby was 6 years old when she entered an all-white school accompanied by her mother and armed Federal Marshals. Our lunch will include sandwiches and dessert. The cost is $6 for lunch. The movie is free!!

The council has some great events planned for the next quarter! We will go to the Arch; Casey, Illinois; the Churchill Museum; and do an overnight trip to the Amana Colonies. Details and dates will be in the next issue of the Forerunner.

Hope you all are challenging yourself to build your life on Jesus by reading through the book of Isaiah with us. There is a lot of God’s judgement, but it always promises the hope of the coming Messiah.