I am hoping to see some of you on Sunday, December 6, at 2:00 p.m. on Main Street in St. Charles. We will gather in front of the first capital building which is the current Visitor Center. Main Street will host Santas from all countries, carolers, and all the flavors and smells of Christmas. Hopefully, we can drink some hot chocolate and have a cookie. Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather since we will be outside, and don’t forget to wear a mask!

While it is fun to celebrate Christmas with traditions, it is also a great time to reflect on the real first Christmas. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, just as the prophecy said, and God had to orchestrate a way for Mary and Joseph, from Nazareth, to end up in Bethlehem just as she was about to give birth. God is a planner, so He used a census to require each man to return to his own town.

It just so happens that Joseph’s hometown of Bethlehem, located about 6 miles from Jerusalem, was where the sacrificial lambs for the Temple in Jerusalem were kept. Each lamb used for sacrifice had to be without spot or blemish. To protect the newborn lambs from injury, they were swaddled in cloths and kept in a cave. Again, it was no accident that there was no room at the inn. Instead, Jesus, like the other sacrificial lambs, was born in a cave and swaddled in cloths.

It’s no wonder that John the Baptist declared when he saw Jesus, “Behold, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” I hope that during the month of December, you will focus on the real meaning of Christmas and celebrate the lamb of God who took away your sin with His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the grave to be our Savior.

Angel Tree

Recognizing that some of you might not be able to select an ornament from the Angel Tree this year because you are viewing our services virtually, we wanted to make sure that you still had an opportunity to participate in buying gifts for families this Christmas.

If you would like to participate, you can email (gloria@feefeebc.org) or call (314) 604-6071, and I will provide you with a gift to buy someone. If you want to participate but don’t feel comfortable going out shopping for the gift, just contact me and I will provide you with a personal shopper to purchase and wrap the gift for you.

All gifts should be wrapped and the ornament that contained the gift suggestion should be reattached and returned to the church by Sunday, December 20.

Ministry Need – Christmas Edition

We are looking for a few people to be personal shoppers for those who would like to purchase a gift(s) for the Angel Tree but don’t want to go out shopping. If you are willing to help with this ministry, please contact Gloria@feefeebc.org or (314) 604-6071.

Coats for Kids

If you or someone you know needs a new winter coat, please contact Gloria@feefeebc.org. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, you can give or mail a check to Steve in the church office.

A big thank you to Mary and the late Jim Zirbas for their generous support of this ministry over the years.