
Today is another beautiful fall day. Fall truly is my favorite season. The cool breezes, the rustle of leaves as they fall from trees, the beautiful bright fall colors. God is making all this beauty for us to enjoy. Did you wake up this morning thanking Him for His sovereignty in creation and His perfect plan for our salvation?

Speaking of seasons of life, how are you doing during this unusual season of 2020? Are you still praising and thanking Him for each day? Are you seeing His hands of love seeking you out each day and protecting you? Are you reaching out to others? Are you helping them get through this season with acts of love and prayer?

Finally, are you praising and thanking Him for the season of life you are in right now or do you long for the days when you were younger, perhaps pain free and able to do whatever you wanted?

Whatever season we are in – whether it be fall, 2020, or being a senior adult – God still wants us to praise and thank Him in all things and He wants to use us to bring glory to His name. What is He calling you to do today and how will you respond?

Loaves and Fishes

We are in need of an individual or group to take and prepare a meal for Loaves and Fishes. Would you be able to meet this need? This ministry happens each month on the third Tuesday. Contact Gloria or Andrew if you are willing to help out!