Pack a lunch and join us at Hellebusch Park on Thursday, October 1, for lunch and games. Bring your favorite game. I promise a beautiful day, in a beautiful setting with good friends and good times.

We will gather at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. Bring a friend or two that needs to get out of the house. We can wear masks and practice social distancing.

Hellebusch Park is a Bridgeton park just down the street from church off of Fee Fee Road at 11408 Oak Ave.  If you don’t want to play games, there is a small lake for fishing, and a walking path around the park. Hope to see you there!

I hope you are all well. If you need anything at all, please feel free to contact me by email, or text (314) 604-6071. You can also call but please leave a message if I don’t answer. If I can’t do or get you what you need, I will find someone who can. Praying for you all as we navigate these uncharted waters. God is still on His throne and blessing us beyond measure. Look for His movement in your life. Reach out to each other and encourage each other. You are the church and God has called you to be His servants. How can you serve others today?