Well, here we go! It’s time to try a socially distanced Prime Time event! On Wednesday, September 9 at 11:30 a.m., we will be having a Chick-Fil-A box lunch and watch the newly released movie, Doctor Doolittle in the Dining Room. Lunch will be $8 and the movie is free. You must let me know you are coming by noon on Tuesday, September 8 so that I can order the correct number of lunches. You can contact me by email at gloria@feefeebc.org or text (314) 604-6071. If neither of these methods don’t work for you, call the church office!

I’m hoping you all are participating in our Who’s Your One initiative! Make sure you remember to pray daily for your person (or persons) you have identified and build a relationship so that when the opportunity comes, you can share the love of Jesus with them. Our job is to sow the seed as we follow the Great Commission – not the great suggestion!