Adult VBS

I am so excited that we finally have something on the schedule! Adult VBS will take place from Monday, July 27 – Thursday, July 30, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We are, of course, still taking safety precautions. We will meet in the dining room and sit at the round tables where it is easy to socially distance. I will be using the podium and microphone so you can hear it loud and clear. Ronna and friends will provide us with music. She has selected some old and familiar hymns, so hymnals won’t be necessary. Since masks are required in public places, you are encouraged to wear a mask. Snacks will be provided but they will be individually wrapped pastries and bottled/canned drinks. You can bring your own coffee, if you choose. Bring your own Bible and join in the fun! The main parking lot will be in use due to the Mobile Market on Monday, so please park on the side by the Children’s Home and enter through the handicap door. The rest of the week, the main parking lot is fine to use. Adults of any age are welcome!

Impact Week

It is so important for the church to continue to be missional. Impact Week will be  the first week of August. One of the ways you can help is with our Free Market on Saturday, August 8. I know we have all had ample opportunity to purge our homes of items we no longer need including clothes, furniture, kitchen items, etc.  If you have not participated in blessing our community before by giving away these items for free, this would be a great year to start!

We will hand out school supplies again to students in our community during the Free Market. If you are out shopping, pick up a backpack and fill it with school supplies, then drop them off at the church. If you don’t get out to shop, monetary donations are gladly welcome – simply designate some money by check or online giving for “School Supplies.” Schools will be reopening August 24, so we hope to be able to help our community in a big way.

Free Market

The Free Market will take place on the church parking lot Saturday, August 8 from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.  We will be giving away items that you have been setting aside after decluttering your home. It is my hope that many of you will participate to aid our community as you have done in the past. You will have a table on which to place clothing, furnishings, kitchen items, baby items, etc. Please let the church know if you plan to participate.

We will also be handing out backpacks loaded with school supplies. We need both backpacks and school supply items. These can be dropped by the church at your convenience as we will put these supplies into the backpacks.

Needed School Supplies: backpacks, notebook paper (wide ruled), #2 pencils, erasable markers, colored pencils, 2-pocket folders, ink pens, Kleenex, crayons, Elmer’s school glue, washable markers, spiral notebooks, quart and gallon Ziploc bags, pencil pouches, composition notebooks, and Clorox wipes.

Praying for You

I have been praying for all my senior friends. These are unusual times. While I have seen some of you from a distance in church, I am still missing that connection. If you need anything or have a prayer request, please let me know. You can reach me by email at or text/call (314) 604-6071.  While “this too will pass” is not scriptural, it is my hope for each of us.