Regathering Plans and Trusting God

If all goes as planned, you should be reading this right before June 7, the date we will be regathering as a church.  Some of you will be joining us in person and others will continue attending online. Whatever your choice, it will be a very good day!

For all of us, this season we have been passing through has been a time to check to see if our professed belief aligns with our actual belief, a time to check your heart’s deepest loyalties.

We have had to ask ourselves the question of whether we really trust God in all things. We all have moments of doubt and anxiety, (and maybe even weird dreams about singing Aladdin songs and diving off the stage into the third row in our house shoes), but God is here to help us in our unbelief if we cry out to Him. As we pray and read His word, our faith will be strengthened.

Some of us have found that a portion of our trust came from material goods and relationships with others.  Nonetheless, during this time, He has shown us that we can totally depend on Him as He has faithfully drawn us back to see His supremacy and sufficiency in all things.

Rely on this promise in Romans 8:28, “For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” God has an incredibly amazing plan for our lives and in the worst of times, He will work things together for good. Maybe that good has been a renewed and stronger relationship with Him, an opportunity to talk to your neighbors where you had been too busy before, or even opportunities to bless those around you.

We can count on God to keep His promises, but this promise has a condition. He requires us to love Him with our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Are you keeping your part of the promise?