It is a beautiful day again today – sunshine and breezy. The flowers and trees are blooming and we see evidence of a faithful God everywhere we look. In staff meeting this week, we were challenged to make a one sentence video to post to encourage you guys to answer the statement, “God is…” My response today is: God is faithful, in control, and good, even in the midst of a pandemic. How would you describe God today?

I am sure most of you are weary of being isolated. Our life has changed a great deal in a month. I heard good news today that we had the lowest number of new cases since late March. I hope you have let God help you examine your walk with Him and your values during this time.

At one of our last staff meetings, before we had to start meeting on Zoom, Andrew lead a devotional on difficult prayers. He indicated that one of the most difficult was, “LORD, break me.” Those are hard words to say. What will that look like? Will I be okay? Will my family be okay? What will I have to do? Nevertheless, that day I prayed that prayer because I know that God is good and I knew I wanted to be all in, holding nothing back!

Now, I in no way think that this pandemic is my fault, (I learned Rick Warren’s first sentence in The Purpose Driven Life – it’s not about you!), but I certainly have had an opportunity to let God point out areas of my life that I had not fully committed to him and He has led me to confession, repentance and increased my faith. What is God showing you? Are you willing to pray that difficult prayer?

Has He increased your faith and asked you to trust Him more? Has He helped you to value His truth? Has He been all that you have needed? Are you full of hope and joy and thankfulness? I pray that you would let Him refine and grow you and make you more and more like Jesus so we can show others the love and grace that you have received.

I am hopeful that I will be seeing you all soon. As Paul reminds us in Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”