Multigenerational Choir

Let’s have a multigenerational choir here at Fee Fee. Recently, churches have begun looking for opportunities for children, youth, adults and seniors to minister together.

Think about the value of blending multiple timbres into one homogeneous sound. This is a perfect picture of the body of Christ. An intergenerational music ministry allows everyone the opportunity to participate – no matter the individual skill level. It reflects the age diversity already present. It involves the youngest and oldest pooling their voices together.

Young people bring excitement and a contagious enthusiasm. Older members contribute a wealth of knowledge. Therefore, they can benefit from each other. Unity in purpose and musical unity are key. It’s a win – win situation!

The choir must work together to overcome personal music preferences and traditions to be effective worship leaders.

Here is a scripture that applies so well to the workings of an intergenerational choir:

Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians church urged them (us) “to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called with all humility and with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the Lord of peace,” (Ephesians 41:3 ESV).

We can learn more than music from a choir experience.

Hannah’s Song (Mother’s Prayer)

As we have been reading in 1 Samuel, I was really taken by Hannah’s prayer of thanksgiving. In coming across this rendition of Hannah’s song, I thought its beauty along with the dramatization was worth sharing: