Children’s Nativity
Our children’s Nativity presentation is one of our Christmas performance items that is absolutely a favorite.
This year’s presentation will be in a different format in order to maintain safety and social distancing. Children will be able to participate in person or virtually, depending on your family comfort level. Please respond to Tara ( to let us know of your preference. We look forward to hearing from you as we plan this favorite Christmas feature.
Handbells Anyone?
What an interesting few months we have experienced! There are still a lot of unknowns, but the general consensus is that in music making the use of small groups is better than large groups. So – handbells may be considered a very safe avenue for making music. Handbell players can easily wear masks and gloves and socially distance.
I recently came across arrangements requiring 3-6 players. Many are geared toward Christmas themes. Please indicate your interest in participating by sending an email to Tara ( This would be a wonderful opportunity to share your gift for making music as we approach the Christmas season.