Christmas 2020 at Fee Fee – Thoughts and Considerations

It is that time of year when we start thinking about celebrating Christmas here at Fee Fee! It is safe to say our celebration will look quite different this year, but we still want to give our best shot to create a joyous and meaningful event to honor the birth of our great Savior.

A survey was recently sent to our 2019 Christmas choir to find out participation interest for this year. Here are the results of that survey:

  • 14 would participate in a virtual choir
  • 13 would sing in a small ensemble (8 or less safely distanced)
  • 15 would sing in a larger ensemble (8-12 safely distanced)
  • All others would not be comfortable participating this year

At this time, I am asking for a response from our extended church family if you would be willing to sing in a small/large ensemble OR virtual choir setting. You may send information to to indicate which group you would be interested.

We would also like to hear from those of you who would contribute in other ways. We always need technicians, ushers, greeters, decorators, costumers, etc. Please let us know in what capacity you could volunteer your talents. You may come up with an avenue of service that would be completely new to our production! As always, thank you for considering and I look forward to hearing from you.

The Joy of Music

“David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their fellow Levites as musicians to make a joyful sound with musical instruments, harps and cymbals,” (1 Chronicles 16:16).

Music is a vital part of our lives. Music blesses us through hard times and good times. If we were to try and explain music to an alien from another world we would probably fail miserably. Music is not meant to be explained, but rather experienced. There are times when music can express what we feel when words fail us. Music is poetry put to rhythm. It is a rhyme put to a steady beat. This gift from God is a power that moves and stirs the soul. Music can be therapeutic, lifting us when we are down. Through music we lift our voices to God in praise and worship. Those who suffer affliction are wounded souls. Music can be a perfect salve for the sorrowful soul. Lift your soul with music. Let it carry your praises and appreciation to God even in times of uncertainty.