Where is God sending you in 2020? We are taking multiple mission trips in 2020 and we want you to pray about where God may be sending you! Here are some trips we are planning:
Our youth are going to serve with World Changers in Morganton, North Carolina on July 12-19, 2020. You can get more info on this trip here and get the application here. The application and deposit are due on Sunday, November 3rd. If you have questions contact Kyle.
Our church is going back to serve in the Dominican Republic again with our partner church on June 27-July 3, 2020. You can find out more info at our Informational Meeting on Sunday, October 20 at noon. If you have questions about this trip contact Andrew.
We also have a group serving with Wheels for the World in Mexico again this year. On April 13-20, 2020 a team will travel to Monterrey, Mexico to distribute mobility equipment, share the Gospel and equip churches in disability ministry. Get more info and apply for this trip at the Wheels for the World Website.
We will also be serving at Windermere Baptist Conference Center in the summer of 2020. However, we don’t have dates for this trip yet. Once we do we will announce them.
How can God use you to spread the Gospel near and far in 2020?