Impact Week 2023 Fee Fee Baptist Church

Impact Week is September 17-23! Think about what you can do to make an impact on our Community showing the love of Jesus to all we come in contact with.

Saturate USA

We still have plenty of opportunities to Saturate 63044 with information about Jesus and Fee Fee.  We need your help getting packets to all the doors in 63044. If you can help contact the church office or Gloria to get put in a group or help a group that is already passing out packets. This is our biggest outreach this Impact Week, be a part of it!

Hymn Singers

Join Ronna and other Fee Fee members going to Nursing Homes to spread Jesus’s love through music.  If you are interested sign up in the Welcome Center this Sunday.

Loaves and Fishes

Fee Fee is supplying a meal to Loaves and Fishes on September 19.  If you or your group can supply a meal for the families in need at this local shelter please contact Gloria.

Do Your Own Event

You can still do your own Impact with your Bible Study or small group or family and organize your own event.  Just make sure you tell Gloria what your group did, how many were in your group, how long it took, and maybe share a story of how you saw God move during your Impact Event. Don’t forget to take pics and videos!

FFBC Food Pantry Food Drive List

You can help families and individuals in need of food by helping stock the Fee Fee food pantry.  Bring your shelf stable food item to the Welcome Center and put it on the table.  You can help Impact someone’s life by helping with a meal when times are tough.


Canned Meats, such as Chicken, Tuna, and Salmon
Canned Beans
Hearty Soups
Canned Chili
Mac and Cheese
Family size cans of Stew
Chicken and Dumplings
Spaghetti Sauce with Meat
Canned Pastas
Rice Boxed Mixes
Plain Dry Rice (Basmati, White, or Brown)
Tuna Helper Mixes
Protein Bars or Breakfast Bars
Pancake Mix (mix with water kind)
Pancake Syrup

Cereal (Regular or Family Size)
Powdered Milk
Fruit Snacks
Peaches, Applesauce, or other Individual Fruit Cups
Pudding Cups
Crackers (such as Ritz or Saltines)
Graham Crackers
Peanut Butter
Oatmeal (individual packets)
Cases of individual snacks like
Cheez-Its, Peanut Butter Crackers
or Cheese Crackers

Personal Hygiene Items

And other shelf stable items that families with children might like