Parent’s Night Out was a complete success – thanks for Jessica Bright for hosting and the other adults and youth who served! Thank you everyone for your hard work, love for our children and service to our Lord!
Most of you know it takes many hands to have a God-honoring Children’s Ministry. We have some openings that need adults to help make these ministries to our families successful and safe. None of these are hard and some are just once a month. It just takes willing individuals to be used by God to love our kids.
2 more adults each Sunday for preschool worship care (work 1 Sun. /month)
KidsZone helpers (1 adult to assist the leader each Sun. work 1/month)
1 more adult to help a child on Wed. nights to learn their scripture (each Wed. night from 6-7pm)
If you can serve, please talk to me. God can use you in a wonderful way!
Wishing you and your family a blessed New Year!
Psalm 145:8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in faithful love.