Family Front                                                          Joey Stewart, Summer Intern

 VBS/Sports Camp, July 22-26

SCUBA is the theme of our VBS this year. Kids will dive into friendship with God from 9am-12noon. If you plan to serve and have not contacted either me or Mrs. Kathy, please let us know as we may still have a few spots open. You can pick up info in the Wecome Center or register online at We will be decorating starting on Tuesday July 16th through Sunday, and would appreciate any help available. Even if you can’t help us through volunteering, you can always help us through prayer. Please pray for the volunteers who will serve that they will serve with love and patience, and please pray for the kids who come that they will hear clearly of God’s love and salvation for them.

We also plan to have a volleyball camp 1:00-4:00pm in the afternoon of that week. God has provided a Sports Crusaders team to lead this; homes to house them, volunteers to assist. Now we need cash or gift cards for the team to eat that week. Please give those donations to me or Mrs. Kathy, or you can mark clearly on an offering envelope ‘meals for Sports Crusaders’.

Our Children’s Ministry is still in need of some volunteers to lead KidsZone on the first Sunday of each month and when we have a 5th Sunday. Mrs. Kathy can provide materials, and all you have to do is prepare to lead our kids. We also need hostesses in preschool during worship. Let me or Mrs. Kathy know if you are interested in leading with our preschoolers or children, and we can provide you details.

Thank you, church!

Upcoming dates to remember:

Promotion Sunday for preschoolers, children and youth, Sunday, August 4.

Free Market, Saturday, August 10, 9am-12noon on our parking lot.