October 27 was a big day for our church! Thanks to everyone who took part from providing the candy to participating by decorating a trunk, to greeting people to leading a game. God used us to meet our community in a great way. THANK YOU for praying and for your participation!

December 6 is our Parent’s Night Out for parents of kids age birth through 5th grade. Cost is $5 per child that can be paid at the event. Drop off is 5pm and pick up is no later than 9pm. A small change is that you will need to provide supper for your kids. Send a lunch box meal or pick up something fast food on the way.  We will provide drinks and a snack later in the evening. We need volunteers to care for kids, helping kids to ‘shop’ in the Christmas store for their family. If you cannot volunteer for that night, maybe you can donate new items for the store? You will find a donation box in the Welcome Center to put your donated items. Please provide new items for men, women and children. The kids can shop for free for their parents and siblings. Sign up is a MUST by Dec. 1 and you will find the signup sheet in the Connection Center. Thanks so much for your support of this event.

Most of you know it takes many hands to have a God-honoring Children’s Ministry. We have some openings that need adults to help make these ministries to our families successful and safe. None of these are hard and some are just once a month. It just takes willing individuals to be used by God to love our kids.

2 more adults each Sunday for preschool worship care (serve 1/month)

KidsZone helpers (1 adult to assist the leader each Sun. 1/month)

1 more adult to help a child on Wed. nights to learn their scripture (each week)

If you can serve, please talk to me. God can use you in a wonderful way!

Psalm 145:8  The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in faithful love.