Well, summer is coming to an end…SIGH…but we are getting ready to jump into FALL! That means some very exciting things will be happening.

AWANA starts back up for our 3 years ago to 5th graders, Wednesday, September 13  at 6:00pm. We start off the first Wednesday night with BEACH THEME NIGHT with water games so wear your swim attire and bring a towel. On Wednesday, September 20th, we will be powering up for our Food Pantry by bringing non-perishable items to help. This is our group’s participation the week of Impact Week.

GEM: Girls Experiencing Missions is a new state-wide event for girls, 1st through 6th grades. This overnight event will be at Laclede Association Camp in Richland, MO, October 20-21. The theme is Shine Like Diamonds: Where is Your Mission Field. The girls will experience hands-on mission projects. Girls may enter 3-color designs that are theme-related, the deadline is by August 31. Winners of this contest will have their art displayed on the t-shirt, program cover, bookmark and banner. If your daughter is interested in going, the cost is $20 plus $10 for the t-shirt and T-shirt orders are due to me by Sunday, September 10. Registration includes 2 meals and all activities and the deadline is Sunday, October 1. They will also need money for a meal on the way there and on the way back as well as money to spend in the store. See me for more details.

Our Trunk or Treat event is Sunday, October 29, 3:30-5pm on the parking lot. Be thinking how you want to be involved and how to decorate your ‘trunk’ as a bible story.

If you are waiting for a sign from God that you are to be serving in Children’s Ministry, here is your sign:  Become a Children’s Ministry volunteer!