2020 is certainly a year that we will remember well. Here are updates on kids’ activities through the end of the year:


Last AWANA for 2020 is November 18; we plan to start up again mid-January.


November 15 and 22 – Worship with preschool care provided and KidsZone for elementary age kids.

November 29 and throughout December – children will worship with their parents; preschool care will be provided. There will be no KidsZone in December. We are planning, at this point, to restart preschool and children’s Bible Study, and KidsZone in January. There will be Praise Packs for kids available for you to pick up before going into worship services when there is no KidsZone.

Make it a New Year’s resolution to have Family devotions

Why? It’s God’s Command (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Ephesians 6:4, and Proverbs 22:6). Beginning January 1, 2021, we will put some resources into your hands to help you with daily devotional time and to lead your family to Jesus. But why wait? We all want to help our children to come to love and believe in the one True God. Setting time aside each day will show our children that God is the center and priority of our lives. If you need some devotional materials, your child receives a devotion booklet each month. Preschoolers receive a page each week. Those are a good place to begin.


I will be providing each family an Advent box that you can pick up to use at home during December. I hope you will make the time to pick these up by November 29 and use them to lead your family in family devotion times to celebrate our Lord.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen,” (2 Peter 3:18).