It has been so good to worship together in person these last few weeks.  It was wonderful to have kids in worship again! We have provided onetime-use Praise Packs with a few activities for a child to go along with the worship service. I’d like to see the children engaged rather than just ‘busy.’ Of course, you are free to bring your own activities for your children to do. It is okay, too, if you choose to stay at home to worship! We will look forward to seeing you again soon as you feel comfortable getting out.

Ministry Opportunities

Despite the sheltering in place, we have some great opportunities to serve our community.  We still have the Mobile Food Market every other Monday and another blood drive on July 22-23. Watch for other opportunities for volunteers to serve in the near future!

KidsZone Bible Study

Just a reminder, there are weekly Bible plans on our church website that you can use at home as well as some downloadable activities. The KidsZone lessons follow the sermon series, “I AM,” the statements of Jesus in the book of John. You can find these on our website on the KidsZone page.

I miss you all immensely!  I pray for you often that the Father will give you all the patience and love you need to carry on leading your children to know Christ better. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you lead your families.

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go,” (Joshua 1:7).