You may have read some of the same things in my article for the last couple of issues, so I am going to share a few things that I have learned, or re-learned, through these days.

  1. God is still in control. He is able. He is aware of all of our needs. He is faithful.
  2. He has caused me to ‘Be still’ more so I can hear Him. I like to be busy doing His work, worshipping with other believers, being with the kids and providing good discipleship opportunities for kids…without that I was feeling a bit out of sorts, without purpose. God reminded me ‘doing’ or ‘going’ less is okay.
  3. I can do more with technology than I thought I could. It is still rough at times but God has granted us good tech people to assist.
  4. Our church people are faithful through all this. Bible study leaders are contacting their classes. That is especially true of our kids’ teachers. They are a great group of caring adults that love our kids and desire for them to know Jesus better and share Him with their friends.
  5. Prayer time with other believers is rejuvenating and has been sustaining for me.
  6. Worship of our Almighty God can even be done across cyberspace! Isn’t He a great God?!

Thank you God, for what you are teaching us and what You will continue to teach us through these days. Let us not take for granted the gathering of believers ever again! AMEN!