So how is everyone out there is quarantine-land? I miss getting together with the kids and seeing families at church! If you need anything, (and that includes prayer), do not hesitate to let us know. Parents, you have a lot on your plate: homeschooling, your own work, keeping family happy and healthy. Know that I am praying for you.


You will find a weekly KidsZone for preschoolers and children on our website each week. There are also handouts and activities to go along with it. If you do not have a printer at home, please let me know; I would be happy to mail them to you. I hope you choose to worship with your children. There is a worship bulletin that kids can use to follow along with Sunday morning worship services as they sit with you. A video has been posted on the Children’s Ministry Facebook page for parents about “Helping Kids Navigate the Pandemic.”  There are many activities you can enjoy together – some of which you will be hearing about this week!

FREE Family Resources

If you need additional resources, you can find many of them through Right Now Media. Just give us permission to put your email into our account and you can access Right Now Media for FREE! It is a great resource for kids’ videos, Bible Study resources for all topics and ages. “What’s in the Bible” by Phil Vischer is a particular favorite of mine. What an opportunity you have right now to lead your kids to know Jesus and to better understand the Bible!

Daily Prayer

Don’t miss our Daily Prayer on Facebook Live every weeknight at 7:00 p.m. Get your kids involved by having them share prayer requests, too. What a precious time this has been and will continue to be!


We will likely have our AWANA Awards Night the first Wednesday night we return to AWANA in the fall. Further information will be posted as details become available.

Summer Fun Week

It is with a big sad face that the announcement that Summer Fun Week has been postponed.  We are planning to have Vacation Bible School but are just not sure when that will be. As of right now, we are cancelling Basketball Camp. Watch for more details throughout the summer.