
I miss you in KidsZone and AWANA, kids and parents! If you need anything, (and that includes prayer), don’t hesitate to let us know. Parents, you have a lot on your plate: homeschooling, your own work at home, keeping family happy and healthy. Know that I am praying for you daily.

On our website each week, you will find a weekly KidsZone for preschoolers and children. I hope you will worship with your children. There is also a worship bulletin that kids can use to follow along with worship services as they sit with you.

Free Family Resources

If you need additional resources, you can find many of them through Right Now Media. Just give us permission to put your email into our account and you can access Right Now Media for FREE! It is a great resource for kids’ videos and Bible Studies covering all topics and ages. I especially enjoy “What’s in the Bible” series by Phil Vischer. What an opportunity you have right now to lead your kids to know Jesus better!

Daily Prayer

We invite you to involve your kids during our Daily Prayer on Facebook Live every weekday at 7:00 p.m., by having them share prayer requests. What a precious time this has been!

Summer Fun Week

Summer Fun Week is coming and will be here before we know it! Vacation Bible School and Sports Crusaders Basketball Camp will be June 22-26. “Wilderness Escape” is our theme for VBS this year, and will be from 9:00 a.m. to noon; Basketball Camp will be from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. These plans are all rather tentative at the moment so pray with me that we will make wise decisions if rescheduling our events is required.

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth,” (Job 19:25). What a promise to give us hope to stand on!