Spring is in the air, that means Easter is right around the corner. I am looking forward to celebrating with you!

These are exciting days in children’s ministry. I am teaching the “I’m a Christian Now” curriculum to five of our children (and their parents). We will get to enjoy more baptisms next month! It’s exciting to know that our children’s workers have had part in children coming to know the Lord. If you want to be part of this tremendous ministry, see me.

For your calendar: VBS and Sports camp is July 17-21, 2023. STELLAR VBS is
9 a.m. -12 noon; Basketball Camp is 1-4 p.m. Put it on your calendar and look for registration forms online at a later date. I’m looking for VBS leadership for opening and closing sessions, station leaders and crew leaders. There will be a few volunteers needed for sports camp as well. If you want to serve, see me. There is something for everyone to do! If you have crafty hands, work days are scheduled on the first three Saturdays in May at another church. More details to come. A few things we are collecting for VBS to help with decor: empty Cheese Ball and animal cracker containers (the huge empty plastic container – like Costco size); 2-liter soda bottles – empty – prefer the green, but we can use clear as well. Thanks for your donations of time and stuff!

For the sports camp I may need host homes to house the college students leading the basketball camp. We will also need meals for these Sport Crusaders for the week. Talk to me if you could open your home to a student or two. If your Sunday School class could help with gift cards or money to help the students with meals, see me. Thank you for your support!

Would you be willing to care for our sweet preschoolers during early service? We need you! Please see me if you could care for these sweet little ones just one Sunday morning a month. Thank you!