Hello Fee Fee Baptist Church! My name is Logan Mills, and I am your new Interim College and Outreach Minister. I first want to say that I am thankful for the opportunity to serve this church alongside Pastor Zach and the rest of your staff. Secondly, a bit of introduction. God has been so good to me! I was raised in central Arkansas, where I made a profession of faith at age six. My family moved across the country when I was in middle school and landed in the St. Louis area to begin high school. As my family grew more involved with First Baptist Church of O’Fallon, MO, I grew to understand that I had not been living my life for the Lord as a teenager and felt God graciously calling me to experience more of Him.
At age 18, I rededicated my life to the Lord and began truly living out my faith. Praise the Lord for his grace! I quickly understood the joy and beauty of studying God’s Word, worship with His church became sweet to my ears, and I could not get enough of God or His people. I began college at the University of Missouri, studying accounting and business. This is not what the Lord intended me to study for long. In the spring semester of my freshman year, I would sense an undeniable call to serve the Lord and His church through vocational ministry. I would then transfer to Missouri Baptist University, where I would complete a Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry with a minor in Youth Ministry. God then opened an opportunity for an internship under the president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, allowing me to begin my Master of Divinity. I am continuing my master’s studies at Midwestern’s extension campus in O’Fallon, MO, and anticipate graduating in summer 2023.
Outside of my ministry and schoolwork, I enjoy playing Nintendo games with my family and friends, staying active in the gym, and hiking various trails in the area. May God bless you and give you peace!