First Impressions Team
Calling all friendly faces! We are looking for greeters to join our First Impressions team for the coming school year. If you can smile and open a door, you’re qualified! Serving as a greeter is a fantastic way to welcome members and guests to our services. Pew Research Center regularly finds that one of the most influential factors in US adults choosing a place to worship is a sense of feeling welcomed by leaders and members. Thankfully, this is something entirely in our control. If you or someone you know is interested in serving as a greeter, join Logan in the Welcome Center after service on August 14 to express your interest!
“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him,” (Colossians 3:17).
This text communicates a beautiful truth: Mankind is created to worship. By design, we are worshippers. Our words communicate to others what we value and find worthy of praise. Our bodies tense up or grow excited in response to things that excite our eyes. Our feet carry us to locations where we glorify the things we enjoy. Yet sin regularly warps our most natural worship into something self-serving and that dishonors God. Paul reminds a church surrounded by idol worship and mysticism to guard their words and deeds, ensuring their actions give thanks to God the Father and the Lord Jesus. What a fitting reminder for our church today. In a culture centered on the self, we are bombarded with the do-it-yourself, “you are the master of the universe” false doctrine. Whatever you do, whether actions and speech, bring glory to God through it.