“Others are like seed sown among thorns; these are the ones who hear the word, but the worries of this age, the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful,” (Mark 4:18-19 CSB).
Mortgages. Car payments. Credit card debt. Kids’ sports schedules. Vacations. Overtime hours. Holiday spending. Saving for college… The worries of this age are innumerable. The deceitfulness of wealth is tricky. We think that having just a little bit more money, working a little bit longer, or charging a little bit more to our cards, will bring us satisfaction. Sadly, we know this is not true. I know that I have been guilty of this. With my lips I proclaim that God is in control, but in my heart, I seek to understand the circumstances of life and anticipate what is coming around the corner. I think many of you can relate.
Guard your heart, brother! Analyze your thoughts and desires, sister! The worries of the world choke the word and prevent you from fulfilling the Great Commission. Fret not the concerns of the world, for your Heavenly Father knows your needs and will meet those needs. “Consider the birds of the sky: they don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than the? Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?” (Matthew 6:26-27). Though we know this to be true, it is a challenge to live in this truth daily. My prayer for you today is that you fix your eyes on Jesus, knowing that He sees you and cares for you. Trust our God and King! He knows your worries and will always provide. Do not allow the worries of the age choke the power of the Gospel in your life today.