Chi Alpha Student Ministries
Real Community. Real Purpose. Real God
Have a look at the latest headlines from Chi Alpha.
Polish Ping Pong
Come bring your competitive nature to our Polish Ping Pong and Spoons Tournament on Wednesday, August 16th from 6-9 PM in the Rafters! These games are high in intensity, but loaded with fun! So bring your A game and a friend!
Underground Church
Youth, how far would you go to worship at a church? Some parts of the world that could mean prison time! Join us Friday, July 28 at 7pm for Underground Church. Avoid the secret police to get to your church. An exciting night you won't want to miss. Meet you in the...
Nacho Night
The youth are getting together on Cinco de Mayo for Nacho Night! Come hang out with us on Friday, May 5 from 6-8 PM as we chow down on some 'chos and watch Encanto! The game room will also be open for fun.
DNOW 2023
Sign ups for DNOW 2023 have officially begun! We are so excited to announce that our annual DNOW weekend is coming back the weekend of March 10-12. This year, our theme is “Community”, and our students will be encourages to move through life together as believers, all...
The Big Chill
The Big Chill is returning on January 13-14, 2023, from 9 PM – 8 AM!! Our annual all-nighter is a night full of fun, which this year will include a worship concert, a trip to The Edge 618, dodgeball, video games, movies, 9 square, gaga ball, open gym time, and all the...
Trivia Night Fundraiser
Our annual Youth Trivia Night Fundraiser is coming up on Saturday, November 5! All proceeds of this event will benefit students who will be serving on our summer mission trips in 2023. The game will be played from 6-9 PM and doors will open at 5:30. Tables of 8 people...
Youth Volunteer Training Day
To prepare for a great school year, we're investing in our Chi Alpha volunteers! This event will be off-campus at Harvester Christian Church. See Kyle for more information.
Youth Family BBQ
Our annual Youth & Family BBQ will be on Sunday, August 21 right after the second service! Sign your family up in the Rafters for this event! This will also be our official “Welcome!” and first week for our incoming 6th graders and their families. So make sure...
Fee Fee Scholarships
The 2022-2023 Fee Fee Scholarship Applications are now available! All Fee Fee member's that are going to be enrolled in college in the fall, make sure to fill out a Scholarship Application and get 2 letters of reference. You can download the scholarship application...
Shred Truck Fundraiser
On Saturday, May 7th from 9-noon, we will be hosting our Shred Truck Fundraiser. It has been a couple years since this event, so I hope you've saved us your tax documents! If you have things that you would like to be safely and securely shredded, bring them up to the...