We are so excited for our DNOW 2022 Weekend! This is one of my favorite events every year, and this year is shaping up to be one of the best yet! This year we are partnering with Remix Church and their students; Lenny Barber is returning as our speaker; and Katelynn Griffey is leading worship for us! Plus, our theme, “Stand,” is going to serve as a tool of preparation for our students to ready them for the trials they face every day in their schools and in life. Continue to pray for our students and leaders leading up to this event!

Washington, D.C. Forms

If you are signed up to go on the Washington, D.C. mission trip this summer, please make sure that you log on to the Praying Pelican Website and fill out the legal and risk assessment forms. These need to be completed before we leave, so do it sooner rather than later! If you have any questions, contact Kyle: kyle@feefeebc.org.