Big Chill returns on January 14-15, 9:00p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Our annual all-nighter is packed full of fun, which will include a worship concert, trip to The Edge 618, dodgeball, video games, movies, 9-Square, open gym time, and all the junk food a teenager could want! Don’t let your student miss out on one of our biggest events of the year. Big Chill is $15/person plus students need to bring a snack and drink to share. See you all there and invite your friends!

2021 Year in Review

It always brings me joy to reflect on all that happened over the past year. 2021 started a lot like how 2020 ended: pretty bleak, not many answers with Covid, but people trying to stay optimistic. Encouragingly, our students pushed through and showed a resiliency that makes me so proud. Continuing with condensed, weekly Bible Studies (online and in person), slowly but surely, students started coming back. Because of Covid, we had to cancel many of our big events in late 2020 and early 2021, which was tough for our students. Once we were able, we decided to just do everything ALL AT ONE TIME! We threw together all our biggest events we normally do throughout the year and made this a summer to remember. From Summer Blast to our Minneapolis Mission Trip, DNOW, Mini Golf Night, and Chi Alpha Summers…we accomplished so much this summer. Our students were able to recapture a sense of normalcy many of us have been missing out on the last two years. Much of this would not have been possible without our amazing Summer Intern, Sarah Baker, who completed her final summer with us this year, since she will be graduating college this month. Her heart for the Lord and our students is amazing, and it has been a blessing to work alongside her these last three years.

Looking forward to 2022, my prayer is we don’t forget what we have come from. These last two years have shaped many of us in ways we didn’t know was possible, and our students have learned tough lessons through it all, but I truly believe they have come out of this stronger. I can’t wait to see how God uses our Student Ministry in the coming year and what is in store for our students! We are planning some great things, and I know God will provide! Thank you for supporting our Student Ministry at Fee Fee!