Minneapolis Mission Trip Report

Thank you so much, Church, for your prayers and support of our students and leaders who served in Minneapolis this last week. I am happy to report this was one of our best mission trips to date, that I can remember – from serving as a student here, to being a college leader, to now serving the church as Director of Student Ministries. I am so proud of our students and the hard work they produced, but I am prouder of the community they continued to build here, between themselves. Seeing them interact and work together, laugh and learn as a group, and even play silly games together, meant more than you can know. These kids built a bond together that will continue to strengthen our youth group for years to come. Please pray in the weeks ahead that we will grow together and see the fruits of the work we did. Also pray for our partner church, Alfa y Omega, and the city of Minneapolis, that God will continue to work and move there!

DNOW Updates!

I am so excited for our upcoming DNOW weekend that is happening July 23-25. Continue to pray for this weekend and that God will move through our students. I am so excited to announce that this year we are offering this event to be FREE to all guests that wish to attend! So, if your student has always wanted to invite a friend or two to DNOW, but has been hesitant because of the cost, NOW is the time to encourage them to come!


Chi Alpha Summers: Every Wednesday June 2 – August 11

July 23-25: DNOW

July 26-30: Serve for VBS

July 31: Paintball

August 22: Youth & Family BBQ