Community Connection – Vol. 60, No. 05

Week of Prayer for North American Missions – March 29-April 5 We have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, taking love throughout the continent and shining light into dark places! We can do this by praying for the lost, giving to Gospel ministries,...
New Mission Statement

New Mission Statement

God has incredible things in store for Fee Fee Baptist Church in the future!  Starting in 2020 we are launching a new vision and mission statement.  Our new mission statement is: Fee Fee Baptist Church exists to make disciples who build their lives on Jesusand pursue...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 59, No. 26

We will kick off our vision lesson series on Sunday, January 5 at 9:45 a.m.  You will not want to miss these lessons teaching us how to put our vision for our church and community into action. The Gospel of John Precepts study will start back up at 5:00 p.m. on...

Prime Time – Vol. 59, No. 26

Another year is about to come to an end. It went by fast, didn’t it? It has been a very good year for the seniors at Fee Fee. God gave us a new pastor, whom we all love, and he brought with him a precious wife and three adorable children for us all to love and...