Bandanas Fundraiser

Bandanas Fundraiser

Wanna eat some great barbecue AND help our mission team go on their mission trip? Then join us on Tuesday, April 2 at Bandanas! Pick up a flyer from the church and take it with you when you go to eat at the Bandanas in Maryland Heights (12222 Dorsett Rd) for lunch or...
Weather Policy

Weather Policy

As a reminder, all weather cancellations will be conveyed through TV stations Channels 2, 4, and 5. It will also be posted on our website, social media and notifications will be sent out through our app. Fee Fee’s weather policy can be viewed here.  To be...
New Year, New Schedule

New Year, New Schedule

Starting January 7, 2024, our schedule for Sundays at Fee Fee Baptist Church will be changing. We will be having one single service with everyone in attendance, as opposed to a contemporary service and a traditional service, at 10:30 AM. In addition, the Bible Study...
Business Meeting 11/26

Business Meeting 11/26

On November 26th during Bible Study hour, we will hold our next business meeting where, among other items, we will vote on the motion to transition to a single weekly service. If you are a member of Fee Fee, we invite you to come and...
Lottie Moon Mission 2023

Lottie Moon Mission 2023

Fee Fee Baptist Church will be hosting a special ingathering of offering to support Lottie Moon missions around the world on both of the December 10th services. As we participate in a week of prayer, please keep in mind how much you can give to the...