Sign-ups for Wednesday Night Dinner are now available in the Connection Center. This month’s meal is on Nov. 16th. We’re celebrating Thanksgiving together with a turkey dinner. Contact Kathy Webber for more...
Join our Prime Time Seniors for the Economy Museum of STL on Friday, October 28 from 10:00AM — 2:30PM. The group will tour the museum and then have lunch together at Crown Candy! Contact Gloria to...
Come join us for an eventful afternoon as we watch The Insanity of God movie. Lunch is included, almost like dinner and a show! Sign-ups are in the Connection Center or by contacting...
Join us Sunday, August 7 at 6pm for our Missions Celebration Night. We know you will be encouraged to hear reports from the summer missions efforts our church has been part of! From local work, to Washington DC, the Dominican Republic, and around the world, Fee Fee...
Hey Prime Timers! Join us for our annual Legacy Banquet. Enjoy food, fellowship and fun! New member and former Pastor Lowell Donnelly will be the keynote...
We have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, taking love throughout the continent and shining light into dark places. We can do this by praying for the lost, giving to gospel ministries, witnessing to those around us, and reaching out in compassion....