Prime Time Movie Day

Prime Time Movie Day

Prime Timers! Come join us for a movie and lunch on January 30! Sign up in the Connection Center so Gloria knows you’ll be...
Taco Bar & Board Game Night

Taco Bar & Board Game Night

Our next Sunday Night Connection is coming up next Sunday! Join us for a taco bar and board games, plus Encanto for the kids (just don’t talk about Bruno 🤫). You can sign up in the Connection Center so we know you’ll be there, and what you’ll be...
Christmas Day Service

Christmas Day Service

Merry Christmas!  We will be having one Christmas Day Service at 11am that morning.  We will not have Bible Study and there will be no childcare as we encourage the children to worship with their parents this Christmas morning.  We look forward to seeing you...
2022 Christmas Performance

2022 Christmas Performance

The 2022 rendition of our annual Christmas performance is here! Join us the weekend of December 16-18 to see this years show “Hope is Born, Emmanuel!”. Our choir, tech team, dancers, kids, musicians, and staff have been working tirelessly since late summer...
Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner

Sign-ups for Wednesday Night Dinner are now available in the Connection Center. This month’s meal is on Nov. 16th. We’re celebrating Thanksgiving together with a turkey dinner. Contact Kathy Webber for more...
Prime Time Economy Museum

Prime Time Economy Museum

Join our Prime Time Seniors for the Economy Museum of STL on Friday, October 28 from 10:00AM — 2:30PM. The group will tour the museum and then have lunch together at Crown Candy! Contact Gloria to...
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