Fee Fee Baptist Church will be visiting the shrine of St. Ferdinand on January 26. The trip should last from 10 AM to 2 PM, with lunch at Cugino’s. We hope you will join...
On January 10th, we invite you to join us for lunch in the dining room at 11 AM. We will be watching a movie afterwards, which we hope you will...
Our Christmas performances, Come Messiah King here! This is a free presentation that will show the true Christmas story of our Newborn King. Bring your friends and family to hear this world and life changing story. Join us on December 15th at 7 PM, or on December...
Sunday night 11/12 at 5pm is the Sunday Night Connection Chili Cook off. Sign up in the connection center to let us know if you are making your delicious chili for us to...
The Prime Timers will tour the First State Capitol in St. Charles along with Lunch at Lewis and Cark’s Restaurant. Join us for some history with a side of delicious! Sign up in the Connection...
Join the Prime Timers for a fun trip to the farm! We will enjoy Rush Acres Farm along with a lunch at the Wentzville Diner. Sign up in the Connection Center for this fun filled...
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