Vision Process Update Our strategic planning committee and our staff remain hard at work to discern our church’s vision from God. Both groups have analyzed our community, evaluated our church, dreamed up a “church plant” that would impact our community, and...
Community Firepit Night On Saturday evening, November 9 from 5-8, we will be hosting a firepit night in our parking lot. The community will be invited to roast hot dogs and make smore’s. I know that fire pits are not everyone’s thing but engaging with our community...
Upcoming Activities We are racing towards the holiday season and family and holiday activities tend to ramp up at this time. To help with this, we will slow down the Prime Time activities for November and December and just have one activity each month. On Monday,...
Christmas Update Things are looking up for our Christmas choir event. Our angels are off to a very good start. The choir is sounding great and our instrumentalists are all on board. Now we need to think about other important jobs. We are looking for greeters,...
You Are Gifted Most school districts have some version of a “gifted and talented” program. Children who exhibit intellectual abilities beyond those of the average student in their grade are labeled “gifted” and placed in more academically rigorous courses. The rest of...
Christian Music comes in many different flavors (genres). Here is a list of several types of Christian music. You may enjoy multiple styles. Praise and Worship Yet Not I But Christ in Me (Live) Selah Alternative Rock Newsboys That’s How You Change the World...